Country: Argentina
Epirenov is the last inhabitant on Earth. He monotonously walks around the empty desert in search of pieces necessary to build a partner. In one of his usual tours he discovers an artifact that will change his world.
The Water
Behind the Door
Hernan Findling
From his first feature film, CAUSA EFECTO (2001), Hernán Findling has been participating in festivals around the world, from Kiev to Havana and Dallas. Between two other films, he took the time to write a script that had the makings of a mysterious puzzle: IMPOSSIBLE CRIMES. In 2016, the screenplay created a real buzz in… Continue reading Hernan Findling
Buenos Aires, 1984. The ambitious young actress Bianca gets a breakthrough part in one of the controversial theater plays of Alma Böhr. During her previous pieces, Böhr pushed her actors to the limits of famine and suffocation. This time she’s rather curious what sleep deprivation will do with one’s body. Her mysterious opus “Ursa Major”… Continue reading YOU SHALL NOT SLEEP
Because of industrial mining and the relentless search for minerals, the Andes plateaus have turned into a waterless wasteland. The remaining population lives in degrading refugee camps, fleeing the war that’s raging in large parts of the continent. When young Yaku’s father dies and she learns she’s expecting, she decides to go and look for… Continue reading THE UNSEEN
The year is 2101, a nameless man wakes up in the middle of a dried-out, dark landscape. Looking around him, he only sees carcasses and barren trees. A biochemical war in the northern hemisphere has caused poverty, famine, and a gigantic wasteland covering the whole of South America. Concerning our own species, there isn’t much… Continue reading I AM TOXIC
Illusionist and magician Lorenzo Mancini is following in the footsteps of his illustrious father, who died Brandon Lee-style in a freak accident on stage. Mancini arrives in a new town and is looking forward to a series of shows. But before he can pull even one tiny little rabbit out of his hat, he becomes… Continue reading ABRAKADABRA