Family Night

An offbeat short horror film set in the winter of 1995, A pre divorce era Dublin, Ireland. It tells the story of a family forced to take part in a family night by their extremely strict father.

Lee Cronin

In 2013 Irish screenwriter-director Lee Cronin won the Silver Raven for Best European Fantastic Short with GHOST TRAIN. THE HOLE IN THE GROUND, his first feature, was promptly selected for the prestigious Sundance Festival. For this nerve-shattering mix of horror and psychodrama, he went fishing in the same pond as THE OMEN, THE SHINING, and… Continue reading Lee Cronin


After 7 years of exile, Jimmy Cullen decides to head back to his native village. A return of the prodigal son it is not, seeing as the whole village hates his guts after a lost football match. His luck isn’t better with his brother’s, who welcomes him with a firm head butt. Same for his… Continue reading REDEMPTION OF A ROGUE


Some wild Irish dames who thought the ideal location for a bachelorette’s party would be Transylvania (uh-oh!) pick up something a little more serious than an easily treatable STD. After mingling with a vampire – which could just as well have been the count himself! – they end up back in Dublin with a jetlag…… Continue reading LET THE WRONG ONE IN