Kazuki Katayama, a psychotherapist working at a university hospital, comes across a patient named Jun Tadokoro who has multiple personalities. The doctor devotes himself to curing Tadokoro, but one of the patient’s personalities refuses to be cured, instead plotting a vicious psychological counter-attack. Katayama himself suffers from a trauma, which Tadokoro’s vicious personality senses and… Continue reading MIND GAME by Hiromasa Taguchi
Country: Japan
Losing her husband three years ago, Mayumi is making a living for herself and her family as a hairdresser. She runs a beauty parlor owned by her now senile mother-in-law. She has a 10 year old son, Kai, but she works so hard there is little time left to spend with him. She is unaware… Continue reading IS THAT YOU?
When the brutally murdered body of a prostitute is found, police detective Takabe arrives quickly at the scene and notices a strange similarity to other recent murders. Although a different murderer has been arrested in each case, all the murders have one thing in common, each victim has been slashed with a large “X” across… Continue reading CURE
Joe Young, a struggling Mormon actor from Utah, is preaching door-to-door in Los Angeles one day when he stumbles upon the set of Orgazmo, a porno movie directed by the infamous Maxxx Orbison. As soon as they meet, Maxxx immediately pegs Joe as the leading man he’s been looking for. Joe’s religious upbringing makes him… Continue reading ORGAZMO
Two young campers, exhausted after a long walk through the wild forests of Texas, stumble over the fence of a seemingly abandoned military camp. Looking for shelter, they go in and discover a swimming pool inside one of the buildings. The young couple, thrilled, decides to go for a swim. After a few minutes of… Continue reading PIRANHAS