11th Workshop “Brussels Fantastic”
The BIFFF wants to play its part in the encouragement of local fantastic film production with the organisation of the 11th workshop “Fantastic Brussels”. The goal is to offer the students of our film schools RITS & NARAFI the opportunity to gain experience through the making of a fantastic short under the supervision of an experienced foreign film director. Nick Willing, the young British director of successful genre movies such as “Photographing Fairies” (winner of the Golden Méliès 1998), “Doctor Sleep” and “The River King” has accepted this task. As a location for the shooting we have chosen Tour & Taxis, a spectacular Brussels site which will, without a doubt, inspire the students in the making of imaginative and visionary fantastic films. The three shorts will have their premiere during the Day of Belgian Fantastic Film on Friday the 17th of March around 5:30 pm at the Botanique. Following this public screening, we will reward some of the students for their outstanding work on these projects. The author’s society SACD will offer a prize to the most personal scriptwriting or directing and Eye-Lite will provide one student with a value of 2,500 € in lightning material for his/her next film project. The workshop is made possible thanks to the help of our logistical sponsors : the Jean-Pierre Finotto Make-Up School, Eye- Lite for sound and lightning material, Cine & FX for SFX and postproduction facilities, APPLE and Double Precision for digital editing cells and Key Grip Systems for the grip material. Thanks to the collaboration and the support of the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Dienst Onderwijs & Dienst Cultuur, the Workshop of the BIFFF has become a useful tool in