12th Vampire Ball
Our most influencial Sponsor, Count Dracula Ltd, requests the following communication :
The Ball of Vampires invests the Halles de Schaerbeek !
Nearby the heart of the City,
a tall building of glass and steel stands.
It used to be a Market place,
Now, it serves the Art : a nobel idea !
Metamorphosis for one night :
the yearly reunion of all creatures of the night,
the Feast of the Beast, the Party of the Dark Forces.
Welcome in Tenebrae !
Welcome !
(Count Vlad. Dracul)
Address :
Halles de Schaerbeek, Koninklijke Ste-Mariastraat 22a, rue Royale Ste-Marie – 1030 Brussels
Attention, seules les personnes déguisées et/ou grimées seront admises. Pour 50 bef, maquillage prévu aux Halles.
Opgelet, enkel verklede en/of gemaquilleerde personen worden toegelaten. Maquillage verzekerd ter plaatse (50 bef).
Attention! Only disguised people will be admitted ! (For 50 bf, make-up at the Halles