2nd Courts Mais Trash Screening

Court Mais Trash, the belgian independent short film festival is again part of the BIFFF for our greatest viewing pleasure. The Belgian exploitation films are back on the menu: funny, gross, moldy, kinky and/or political.

For more info on the next activities or if you wish to send your scripts and watch movies online: www.courtsmaistrash.net

The World welcomes fame / Alexis Burlat / 6′ / Belgium / 2015

Final schoolwork of a 3D wonderboy.

Bubble Wrap / Les Parasites/ 2’39 / France / 2015

A good office joke.

Semblance / Bill Whirity / 2’18 / U.S.A. / 2015

Who is it?

Pauvre histoire pauvre 9 / Carl Roosens / 2’ / Belgium / 2014

It’s good because it is Belgian!

Chaos Moderne / David Tomaszewski / 3′ / Belgium / 2015

Guitare Man.

Phantasms of the living / Jean-Sébastien Bernard / 5’48 / France / 2015

Plouf the rascal.

Maximilien / Lewis Eyzikman / 7’31 / France / 2012

Public Price 2015 at the Courts Mais Trash festival.

Invaders / Jason Kuffer / 6’10 / U.S.A. / 2014

The Biter is Bit.

Box Room / Michael Lathorp / 15’25 / Ireland / 2014

You never forget your first time.

Humort / Manu Gomez / 2’12 / Belgium / 2015

Death, LOL.

Une Charogne / Manu Gomez / 3’05 / Belgium / 2015


The herd / Melanie Light / 20’17 / U.K. / 2014 Vegeterians and vegans please stay away…

