36th Make Up Contest

Free and open for everyone!

Beginners, enthusiasts or semi-professionals, you’re all invited to show off your makeup talents for the 36th Makeup Contest with themes that are so precious to us: the fantastic, the imaginary, the wonderful, science fiction, and horror.

Register in one of the three categories: AMATEUR, SEMI-PRO, and SPECIAL FX. Registration is mandatory and will be possible on the evening of the Contest at the makeup stand. Products will be available but we advise to bring your own equipment.

By means of photos during the contest, a jury will determine the winners on Friday the 19th of April and the prizes will be handed out at 9 p.m. at the festival site (Cine 3).

Ready to create the craziest and most daring faces? Grab your makeup, your pencils and paintbrushes and, most of all, have fun!
