3rd VR Screening Room

BIFFF VR Experience – 3rd Edition


BIFFF VR Experience 3rd edition

Basic infos:

Schedule: from 2 → 11 PM

Days: from 8 → 18 April

Location: BOZAR

Free access

The VR competition is back! With two types of VR movies:

Linear and Interactive

An award will be presented by a jury composed of VR professionals.

The line-up of VR films would be online March 19th.


VR interactive & VR Linear

Linear VR 

Kick back and relax in the VR Room between two movies and a glass of Cuvée des Trolls and immerse yourself into 17 breath-taking films coming from all over the world.


Black Bag / Qing Shao / 12′ / China / 2019 / Diversion Cinema / Horror

Chambers of Horrors 2 / Miguel Temme / 2′ / Germany / 2018 / Dark Corner / Horror, Murder

Ex anima / Bartabas & Pierre Zandrowicz / 13′ / France / 2019 / Mk2 / Experimental

Ghost in the shell – Ghost chaser / Hiroaki Higashi / 8′ / Japan / 2019 / Production I.G / Science-Fiction, Action

Kaiju Confidential / Ethan Shaftel / 5′ / USA / 2019 / Shadow Machine / Monster, Animation


Out of Competition

Asteroids! / Eric Darnell / 7′ / USA / 2018 / Baobab Studios / Animation

Floral Dance / Joren Vandenbroucke / 3′ / Belgium / 2019 / Musical, Animation    

Floodplain / Denìz Tortum / 13′ / Turkey / 2018 / Dark Corner / Fantasy

Ghost Reality / Hajime Ohata / 15′ / Japan / 2018 / Dark Corner / Horror, Fantasy

Invasion! / Eric Darnell / 6′ / USA / 2017 / Baobab Studios / Animation

It was there / Min-gi Jo / 10′ / South Korea / 2019 / Dark Corner / Horror, Murder

Mechanical Souls / Gaëlle Mourre / 25′ / France, Taiwan / 2018 / Serendipity Films / Science-Fiction

Rocket Man 360 / Millo Simulov / 20′ / Romania / 2018 / Spider Company / Science-Fiction, Love

Space Buddies / Ethan Shaftel / 5′ / USA / 2019 / Shadow Machine / Space, Animation

The Tide (Episode 1&2) / Taekyung Yoo / 7′ / South Korea / 2018 / M Line Dist. / Post-apocalyptic, Animation

Vicious circle / Lai Chun-Yu / 15′ / Taiwan / 2019 / White Crane Films Limited / Horror, Torture

ZomBIFFF Run 2019 VR / Piet Sonck / Belgium / 2020 / Gypsy Production / Zombie


Interactive VR 

For the very first time at the BIFFF you can be more than just a spectator… Take part in the 12 movies that will take you from the heart of a computer to the outer rim of space!


7 lives / Jan Kounen / 22′ / France, Belgium, Luxemburg / 2019 / Red Corner / Drama, Fantasy

A Fisherman’s Tale / Balthazar Auxietre & Alexis Moroz / / France / 2019 / Innerspace / Adventure, Puzzle

Bonfire / Eric Darnell / 18′ / USA / 2019 / Baobab Studios / Fantasy

Gloomy Eyes (Episode 3) / Jorge Tereso, Fernando Maldonado / 15′ / France, Argentina, Taiwan, USA / 2019 / Atlas / Fantasy

Pagan Peak / Ioulia Isserlis & Max Sacker / 45′ / Germany / 2019 / Anotherworld VR / Thriller, Mystery

Wolves in the walls / Pete Billington / USA / 2019 / Fable / Mystery

GLOOMY EYS_Poster_VRBIFFF2020_3episode

Out of Competition

Crow / Eric Darnell / 22′ / USA / 2018 / Baobab Studios / Fantasy

Downloaded / Ollie Rankin / 10’ / Canada / 2019 / Pansensory Interactive / Science-Fiction

Eleven Eleven / Mehrad Noori / 90′ / United Kingdom, USA / 2019 / NBC Universal International / Science-Fiction

GeGeGe no Kitaro / Sho Namimatsu / 12′ / Japan / 2019 / Galacollection / Fantasy, Animation

Gloomy Eyes (Episode 1 & 2) / Jorge Tereso, Fernando Maldonado / 15′ / France, Argentina, Taiwan, USA  / 2019 / Atlas / Fantasy

Heart of darkness / Sutu / 13′ / Australia / 2019 / Sutu Eats Flies / Fantasy

Twin Peaks /  Showtime & Collider Games  / 30’ / USA / 2019 / Collider Games / Adventure, Horror
