Originating from the most independent and radical branch of the French comic strip, the driving forces behind the international art collective “Le Dernier Cri” operate from a (silk-screen)printing office in Marseilles. They have already published dozens of books, posters, record sleeves and fanzines, of which “L’Hôpital Brut” is the crown jewel. This initiative will be presented to you in all its manifestations : as an animated movie (the long version of a broadcast realised for “L’oeil du cyclone”), in fanzines (displayed in the foyer of the Nova)… and at an exhibition (some twenty luminous boxes filled with objects used during the making of the film). Cinema Nova has asked Stéphane Blanquet, one of the artists of “L’Hôpital Brut”, to design the poster for “The Seventh Orbit” and to present his latest animated movies, fresh from the drawing board.