Masterclass Franck Thilliez & Stéphane Bourgoin

Is there a serial killer in the room ? The serial killer has become a popular character in contemporary fiction (Hannibal or Dexter, just to name two). But he looses all his glamor once he passes through the lens of objective analysis. Very far from being a calculating, distinguished genius, the serial killer is mainly driven by uncontrollable impulses. But where do they come from? Is it innate or acquired? Is it the worn-out cliché of “my father hit me and my mother was a drunk”? And, finally, how much truth is there in these popular fictional characters? Every monster is also human and was born as an innocent child. How do they pass from baby to monster? Can something be done during childhood or are they destined to be ticking time bombs that one day will explode? To bring clarity to all these questions, two specialists will confront us with their vision: Stéphane Bourgoin, the internationally renowned serial killer specialist, and Franck Thilliez, the talented writer of fearsome thrillers based on actual events.

