Mexican Focus

Some people want to build a wall, we’d rather build bridges. Some only see cocaine and tacos, Mexico’s worst export clichés; we see a rich culture that craves exposure on the silver screen. Because, no, Mexico is not just El Chapo, drug cartels, and Selena Gomez’s stolen pictures from Puerto Vallarta! When it comes to cultural heritage, the native country of Frida Kahlo and the adoptive country of Luis Buñuel has nothing to be ashamed of. Its talented filmmakers are ready to do away with any preconceived ideas: Alejandro Iñárritu, Alfonso Cuarón, Gabriel García Bernal, and that little upstart named Guillermo del Toro…. The entire world envies Mexico these talents and that’s why we at the BIFFF want to honor its extraordinary cinema.

Tigers are not Afraid
El Habitante
The Year of the Plague


