The Nexus part 5 – Award of the Best Fantasy Computer Game
Compared to last year, the cards of the small game playing world are slightly different. While the situation of the console has been stabilized with the unimaginative delivery of long attended sequels (GTA San Andreas, Prince of Persia 2, Halo 2, Jak 3, etc), the huge releases on PC have shaken up things (World of Warcraft, Half Life 2 et Doom 3). Sequels too, you might add, but ones who gave the industry – in terms of technique and game play – the necessary oxygen. This said, no one doubts that in 2005 all the attention will once again go to the console, the portable console to be more precise, with the simultaneous release of two machines with exciting potential: the PSP by Sony and the DS by Nintendo.
The Nexus Prizes
will be awarded during
the palmares of the Festival ( March 26th at 21:00 ) Nexus Jury PC category :
Mark Donald PC Gamer (UK)
Stefano Silvestri The Games Machine (Italy)
Roland Austinat Corona Magazine (Germany)
Yves Hompech La Deux / Le Soir (Belgium)
Jean-Christophe Detrain Joystick (France)
Nexus Jury in game consoles category :
Manuel del Campo Hobby Consolas (Spain)
Stefano Silvestri The Games Machine (Italy)
Roland Austinat Corona Magazine (Germany)
Gilles Banneux La Deux / The Ticket (Belgium)Nexus Jury PC category :
Mark Donald PC Gamer (UK)
Stefano Silvestri The Games Machine (Italy)
Roland Austinat Corona Magazine (Germany)
Yves Hompech La Deux / Le Soir (Belgium)
Jean-Christophe Detrain Joystick (France)
Nexus Jury in game consoles category :
Manuel del Campo Hobby Consolas (Spain)
Stefano Silvestri The Games Machine (Italy)
Roland Austinat Corona Magazine (Germany)
Gilles Banneux La Deux / The Ticket (Belgium)