Deborah Kara Unger
After studying at Australia’s NIDA, the national training centre for the arts industry, Canadian actress Deborah Kara Unger also makes her feature film debut down under with Russell Crowe in the award-winning Prisoners of the Sun. But it’s her part in David Cronenberg’s adaptation of A.G. Ballard’s Crash (1996) that gets her noticed by film buffs and industry players. Deborah Unger stars alongside Michael Douglas and Sean Penn (The Game, 1997), Denzel Washington (Hurricane, 1999), Mel Gibson (Payback, 1999), Stellan Skarsgard & Charlotte Rampling (Signs & Wonders, 2000) and Val Kilmer (Salton Sea, 2002). Last year you could already see her twice on the screen of the Passage 44 with Fear X and OPo1nt0. This year, Deborah Unger’s here in person to present the opening film of the festival : White Noise.