Kamal Messaoudi

Member of UPCB as well as cinema and fantasy worlds aficionado, Kamal is co-creator of a web series revolving around geek culture (www.ZoneGeek.be). He contributed to creating and developing audio-visual contents, digital and transmedia, at R/O Institute notably (www.ro.institute), spreading the good word of geek culture! Public and conference speaker, he enjoys sharing his passion with peers and students alike. Consultant and chronicler on various media (web, tv, radio), Kamal always has crazy anecdotes about Mario Bros, Marty Mcfly, Yoda or Dungeons and Dragons… Armed with interdisciplinary skills, he joined social media projects within companies such as Facebook or Microsoft in Dublin: in short, a insanely passionate spokesperson for the culture of imagination in Belgium in the true spirit of 80s retro-geek!
