Marifey (1962°) lives and works in Gingelom, located in the south of the Belgian Limburg. Her work is a synthesis of everything that seduces us in the current field of artistic ceramics. By combining geometry, adapted to pottery technique, and the creativity of the artist’s hands, every object possesses its own formal value. Since 2000, Marifey has specialized in the art of ceramics, without considering any other form of creation. At first fascinated by the discovery of technical skills and the nature of the craft, she quickly reached a level that allowed her to work in serenity. Technique and inventiveness combine themselves in the confection of apparently ordinary objects. As the artist herself says: “pots are pots and will always remain pots…”. And yet, without any sculptural claim or particular boldness, they all have a genuine backbone. This ambition, humble at first sight, gives her work the possibility of subtle incursions in humorous fields. By their presence, Marifey’s objects embellish life little by little and dissipate the worries of those who have bought them