Martin Hansen

From 1982 till 1988, Ger­man film­maker Mar­tin Han­sen (Kiel, 1960) stud­ied pho­tog­ra­phy and film in Braunsch­weig. In 1985, ­together with ­Thomas Bar­tels, he ­founded the pro­duc­tion house KARO Film. ­Besides making his own films, he also works as an edi­tor or as a cam­e­ra­man for other ­people’s pro­jects. His work ­includes experi­men­tal ­shorts like Spin (1986) and ­Kopfzerrbruchstück (1987), ani­ma­tion films like ­Ragout (1990) and Im Schat­ten des Pady­shah (1991) and short fea­tures like Anhal­tender Stil­stand (1987) and Zim­mer 22 (1995). Mar­tin Han­sen will ­present his first long fea­ture film, Hotel Mor­gana, at the fes­ti­val.
