Matt Angel
In 2017, Matt Angel and Suzanne Coote partnered and independently wrote, produced, and directed their first feature film, THE OPEN HOUSE. The film, a thriller starring Dylan Minnette (13 REASONS WHY), was acquired by Netflix as a Netflix Original Film, and was given a global release across all territories. It would quickly become one of Netflix’s most watched thrillers to date. Just three years after its release, Angel and Coote would return to Netflix to direct HYPNOTIC, a psychological thriller starring Kate Siegel (THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE, MIDNIGHT MASS), Jason O’Mara (LIFE ON MARS, TERRA NOVA, AGENTS OF SHIELD) and Dulé Hill (PSYCHE, THE WEST WING). Currently, Angel and Coote are in development on a number of projects in both features and TV. Filmography: The Open House (2018) – Hypnotic (2021) – The Wrath of Becky (2023)