Michel Poulette

Cana­dian direc­tor ­Michel Pou­lette was work­ing with Radio-­Québec, when he met a group of irrev­er­ent ­screen writ­ers, who would later ­become the com­edy group Rock et ­Belles ­Oreilles. From 1985 until 1988, he ­became the pro­ducer for their tele­vi­sion ­series. To him, it was “just like shoot­ing in a movie stu­dio. Half the time I would use a sin­gle cam­era, after­wards we would do the edit­ing, and we would write orig­i­nal ­scores. When you put them end-to-end-, we made the equiv­a­lent of fif­teen fea­ture-­length com­e­dies”. Strength­ened by this expe­ri­ence he went on to make his long fea­ture debut, the ­hugely suc­cess­ful Louis 19, Roi des Ondes. In 1991 he hap­pened onto the screen­play of a tele­vised ­series, La Con­cier­ge­rie des Mon­stres. The ­series, writ­ten by ­Benoit Dutri­zac, ­looked like a cross ­between Twin Peaks and a film noir. It took ­Michel Pou­lette 6 years to turn this into a movie. But the ­result was worth it, as he will tell you him­self when he will ­present The Haven.
