Patrick Duynslaegher
Born in 1953 in Ghent. Was Knack Focus’s film editor from 1972 to 2000 and Knack Focus’s editor-in-chief from 2000 to 2011. From 2011 to 2018: artistic director of Film Fest Gent. From 2019 consultant Film Fest Gent and curator of the Classics program. He has published in many foreign magazines (Variety, Sight and Sound, Films Illustrated, Vrij Nederland, De Filmkrant, Man, Filmfan) and was for years Belgian correspondent of the International Film Guide yearbook. He is the author of four film books: Een vrouw tussen hond en wolf: een film belicht (co-written with Johan Anthierens), 1000 Films – Knacks Filmencyclopedie, Blik op Zeven – Flashback op 100 jaar film, and Martin Scorsese.