Philippe Blasland

Philippe Blasband, born on 26 July 1964 in Teheran from an Iranian mother and a Belgian father of Jewish, Polish and Austrian origins, grew up in the UK, the USA, Belgium and Iran. After the Iranian revolution of 1979, Blasband moves to Brussels, where he studies film editing at the INSAS and dedicates himself to writing scripts ( Une Liaison Pornographique, Le Tango des Rashevski, La Femme de Gilles, Thomas est amoureux ), theatre plays ( Les Mangeuses de Chocolat, les Témoins ), and novels ( Cendres et de Fumée, Le Livre des Rabinovitch, Johnny Bruxelles ). This versatile artist has also produced some of his plays and has directed several films such as Un Honnête Commerçant and La Couleur des mots. He is married to actress Aylin Yay.
