Talal Selhami
Parisian Talal Selhami makes his directing and writing debut with two theatre plays, in collaboration with the French
Cultural Centre in Casablanca. This born movie lover is a true genre enthusiast. His fourth short feature Sinistra ( 2006 )
is awarded with numerous prizes and shown at many festivals. In 2007, cultural TV-station Arte, the French Cancer
League and the French Health Ministry award his Partir en fumée for Best Cancer Prevention Publicity Spot. In 2009 he
shoots his first long feature Mirages, a supernatural thriller set in the Moroccan desert and produced by Nabil Ayouch
( Ali Zaoua ). Selhami is currently working on Carnival of Illusions, a French/Spanish co-production for which he is also
scriptwriter, and the French-Moroccan hard boiled horror film The Oasis.