Tom Conti

Tom Conti (Scot­land, 1941) is the dark, brood­ing, small-­framed lead­ing man of British and Amer­i­can stage, TV and films. He was ­trained as a clas­si­cal pia­nist at the ­Glasgow’s Royal Scot­tish Acad­emy of Music. Later he took up act­ing at the Glas­gow Col­lege of Drama. He made his debut on the sil­ver ­screen in 1975 in ­Joseph ­Losey’s Gal­i­leo. Conti ­excelled in soul­ful roles, which he dem­on­strated in the Duel­lists (Rid­ley Scott, 1977), Merry Christ­mas Mr. Law­rence (Naga­shi Osh­ima, 1983) and Reu­ben, Reu­ben (R.E. ­Miller, 1983), for which he got an Acad­emy Award. Hav­ing ­become an ­acclaimed actor, Conti con­tin­ued to give ­strong per­for­mances in films like ­Beyond Ther­apy (Rob­ert Alt­man, 1987), Shir­ley Val­en­tine (Lewis Gil­bert, 1989), Cac­cia alla ­vedova (Gui­seppe Fer­rara, 1992) and Some­one ­Else’s Amer­ica (Pas­kal­jevic, 1994)
