Finotto School

School created by Jean-Pierre Finotto who collaborated with the Festival each year since 1986… Plus d’archives Sonuma

Magic Land Theater

Magical Land Theater was the first company to entertain the Festival location in 1983 : they never left the Festival since… 39 years of shows…

David P.

David P. is a busybody who, in order to tirelessly create his paintings, sometimes dips his pen in blood red, sometimes in the darkest black. Each of his works opens the door to a parallel world or a different dimension, populated with teasing little monsters, demonic creatures, and treacherously erotic nymphs. Since he suffers from… Continue reading David P.


During my first fifteen years of making illustrations (mainly watercolors), I was a drawer at large trials for the Belgian media, from Marc Dutroux to Salah Abdeslam. I illustrated many posters, beer labels, cars, records, and a dozen books. There are few disciplines I didn’t try my hand at. For five years now, I’ve been… Continue reading Palix