Frank Harris returns disillusioned from WWII. By a mysterious accident he finds himself in the two-dimensional animated universe “Cool World.” And this crazy place did not steal its name. Nobody feels sadness, suffering or pain there. Frank decides to become the protector of this world. His biggest problem is Holli Would, gangster lover and cabaret singer, temptation in cartoon form. Holli wants out of Cool World. She yearns for the warmth of a real three-dimensional male body. In our world, Cool World is a successful comic strip drawn by Frank Deebs. When this frustrated bachelor suddenly finds himself among his creations, he has the déjà vu of his life. Holli, the main source of his celibate fantasies, makes him stop dead in his tracks. She sees in Frank her chance to break through into flesh and blood.

Nine years after his last film, Cool World is the latest exploration of the psychedelic universe of Ralph Bakshi, best known for Fritz the Cat, Lord of the Rings, Heavy Traffic, and other ground-breaking animation films. He got the idea in 1986, when Mick Jagger asked him to shoot the clip for Harlem Shuffle, a combination of actors and drawn figures. Franck Mancuso Jr (the producer of the Friday the 13th series) provided the financial basis. The result is a mix of horror, film noir, thriller, and classic animation. The wacky decors, the junkie “toons” and the passionate actors put Roger and Jessica Rabbit to shame. Kim Basinger (9&1/2 Weeks, Batman, Blind Date) makes Holli Would “in the flesh” a feast for the eyes. Gabriel Byrne (Miller’s Crossing, Julia&Julia, The Assassin) falls prey to animated lust as Frank Deebs. And Brad Pitt (Thelma & Louise, Arizona Dream, Kalifornia) plays the role of the fatal Detective Frank Harris.

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