Aspiring movie maker Marko’s career as a horror director doesn’t get off the ground. He tries to do better with porn, but his unorthodox style chases away producers and investors. Having had enough, he gathers a bunch of junkies, homosexuals and transvestites and hits the back roads with a travelling porn circus. This does, of course, attract the attention of the local police, but also of shocked citizens who aren’t at all pleased with the provocative spectacle. Then Marko gets an offer from a shady producer to earn lots of money with snuff movies. Strangely enough, Marko has no problem finding victims. There’s plenty of human wreckage around prepared to give their life for the cause of perverted entertainment. Serbia rules at the BIFFF ! Where A Serbian Film boldly goes where no torture porn would ever dare to tread, Life and Death of a Porno Gang is something completely different. The debut feature of Mladen Djordjevic is as shocking as it is original, as bizarre as it is darkly funny. Djordjevic earned himself a reputation with his two horror shorts The Living Dead ( 2000 ) and Hunger ( 2002 ) and his documentary about the Serbian porn industry Made in Serbia ( 2005 ). The turbulent recent history of Serbia provided plenty of inspiration for Porno Gang : from the horrors of the Yugoslavian civil war and the corruption of the Milosevic regime to the loss of hope and ideals. In a striking, documentary style, Djordhjevic paints a remarkable portrait of Eros and Thanatos in the underbelly of contemporary Serbia.