Buffalo Bull is an unhappy child: he cannot handle the sun nor the sight of a cross, and he has a hard time repressing his desire for biting, especially when the full moon comes. The two emerging canines will definitely not help him fit in, and through his tragic destiny he will only dream of fully becoming something else… for our own pleasure, because “Something Else” is neither a Greek tragedy about the meaning of life and death or a horror movie. It is a (yes, slightly bloody but humoristic) satire where the three main actors perfectly caricature our society: neither the church, the army or the administration will escape their caustic humor. And that is how we get a movie that (might) fully be something else…
Directed by Morten Jolstad, this Dracula-like comedy is starring three famous actors from Norway: Trond Kirkvaag, Knut Lystad and Lars Mjoen, winners of the Rose d’Or at Montreux a few years ago.