The first scene of SUMMER SCARS feels like a vague childhood memory slowly bubbling up again. A memory of a bright, red-hot summer day you spent romping around with your brother. Except these two brothers, Tony and Noé, did not grow up in a suburb with white picket fences but in the rough, savage landscape of the French west coast, with its wild sea and towering cliffs that would make our Belgian hills crumble in shame. And while rollicking in fun and games, Tony – always the more reckless of the two – tumbles down one such cliff and comes to a brutal halt thirty meters below, his heart no longer beating… Or does it? Ten years later, Tony is very much alive and kicking. It’s a bright, red-hot summer day again and both brothers, now in their early twenties, are still as inseparable as ever and are enjoying life to the fullest. Until Tony whispers in his brother’s ear: it’s time again… and Noé hangs him by the neck from a tree in their garden, dutifully, as if it’s a mere matter of routine, or better yet: a ritual.
The living dead as you’ve never seen them on the silver screen! Simon Rieth’s first feature is a highly personal and original tale of loss, grief, life and death and how the latter may or may not be transcended by brotherly love. SUMMER SCARS is like a dream on a hot night: sweaty, poetic, violent and drenched in lurid, sunburnt colors and CinemaScope!

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