Let’s be honest, Brazil has a considerable advantage over Belgium in one matter. A trip to the countryside always brings joy, laughter and a copious amount of cocktails. While all you get in Belgium is rain, more rain and a whole day spent contemplating the extensive Belgian wildlife, being pigeons, pigeons and more pigeons. Nevertheless, now is not the time to be jealous of Jorge, Ale and Magu, who’ve joined their friend Apolo at his villa in the middle of the jungle. They could have spent two days playing Yahtzee and drinking Brahma, but Jorge and Apolo decide to organize a ceremony in the basement to resurrect the Honey Baron’s hidden child. And frankly, summoning a voodoo style cursed enslaver just to impress the ladies; even idiots would think this is a bad idea. And if our two geniuses had done some research on the myth, they would have stayed in Rio. Because if there is one night when you should stay away, it’s this one. So, fancy watching some pigeons now?

Besides José Mojica Marins and his alter ego Coffin Joe, there isn’t much of a horror movie tradition in Brazil. Yet producer and screenwriter M.M. Izidoro may turn things around. He focuses on the country’s animist myths with a script that is as fierce as it is efficient. It only took Rodrigo Gasparini and Dante Vescio, known for their “M is for Mailbox” segment in The ABC’s of Death, to put this terror on tape!

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