THE POOL by Chris W. Mitchell

Lennaert and Sylke and their teenage sons Jan and Marco go on a camping trip with their friend Rob and his daughter Emilie. After cutting through a fence, they find the perfect spot on the banks of an idyllic pond in the middle of the woods. It doesn’t bother them at first that there are all kinds of disturbing rumors about the place. They’re far away from hectic civilization, the perfect place to get some rest and recharge your batteries. There’s lots of laughing, drinking and eating around a comfortable campfire. But there’s truth to the rumors. The pond is home to a mysterious force that will not let them go. Rot and decay strike, and then also madness and murder! Dutch horror is as rare as Flemish horror, but there are signs of hope. While we’re eagerly awaiting Jonas Govaerts’ Cub, our Northern neighbors go on the offensive with The Pool. This tasty tale of psychological horror is the debut feature of Chris Mitchell, scriptwriter of Frankenstein’s Army (BIFFF 2013) and benefits from the production of Jan “Mr. Netherhorror” Doense and San Fu Maltha (Iron Sky, Jade Warrior). The two leads are played by Gijs Scholten van Aschat (Olivetti 82, Tirza) as Lennaert and Carine Crutzen (Majesty) as Sylke.

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