The Walking Dead tells the story of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. It follows a small group of survivors, traveling across the desolate United States in search of a new home away from the shuffling hordes of the undead. The group is led by Rick Grimes, who was a sheriff’s deputy in a small Georgia town before the zombie outbreak. As their situation grows more precarious, the group’s desperation to survive pushes them to the brink of insanity. At every turn they are faced with the unspeakable horrors that come from having the dead walk again, as well as facing hostility from the scattered remains of a struggling human populace who are focused on their own survival, now that the structures of society have collapsed. When rumors were confirmed that director Frank Darabont ( The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Mist ) was working with producer Gale Anne Hurd ( The Terminator movies ) on an television adaptation of the bestselling zombie comics by Robert Kirkman, the series soon became one of the most anticipated shows in TV history. And you will not be disappointed. The first season of The Walking Dead was hailed by critics not as one of the best horror series in recent years but simply as one of the best TV series in recent years, period ! Darabont has captured Kirkman’s oppressive world in breathtaking detail and with a cinematic and emotional scope that far exceeds the little screen. Now the Bifff, in collaboration with BeTv, will give you an exclusive preview by screening the pilot episode of season one. Do not miss this unique opportunity !

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