As the raging monsoon lashes Mumbai, the police force struggles to keep up with the gangsters who are more than ever emboldened. Adi, a principled rookie cop who has just joined the force finds himself enrolled in the Mumbai police’s antiextortion unit, which is led by Khan, a cop shaped in the ‘Dirty Harry’ mould.… Continue reading MONSOON SHOOTOUT
Section: Indian Focus
S.S. Rajamouli is one of the most innovative Indian film directors of the moment and Eega serves as the perfect illustration of his talent and imagination. The concept of the film is so insane and over the top, but the elaboration is entirely credible, entertaining and convincing that you have to see it to believe… Continue reading EEGA
Hardik and Luv are two dope heads who tag along to Goa with their best buddy Bunny on his business trip. Luv comes across free-spirited girl Luna who casually invites them to an exclusive underground rave party on a remote island. The party is the brainchild of the Russian Mafioso Boris, a testing ground for… Continue reading GO GOA GONE
After his gangster epic Gangs of Wasseypur, Anurag Kashyap switches genres and tackles the thriller. Ugly, which makes you think of masterpieces such as Memories of Murder, premiered at the latest Cannes film festival. It has little to do with what usually coimes out of Bollywood. Ugly is sticky, violent, cruel and desperate. This fierce… Continue reading UGLY
Indian Focus
With the biggest film production in the world ( more than 1000 feature films in 2009, according to the Central Board of Film Certification ), India is a major player in the international film industry. Yet we have often reduced India to kitschy Bollywood spectacles or serious art house from the likes of Satyajit Ray… Continue reading Indian Focus