In a post-Apocalyptic future, psychiatrist Deanna Evans interrogates a distinguished, if befuddled, man who appears to be suffering from a lapse in memory. Why can’t he remember and why is it so important that she uncovers the secret he holds deep inside? Award-winning director Mark Rydell (On Golden Pond, The Rose) slowly unveils a shocking… Continue reading A CLEAN ESCAPE
Section: Masters Of Science-fiction
When the richest woman in the world wants to buy a new genetically engineered animal to impress her peers, she meets an ex mine-sweeping clone who’s destined to become dog food. She puts her entire fortune on the line to save his life. Acclaimed screenwriter Michael Tolkin (The Player) shows that what makes us human… Continue reading JERRY WAS A MAN
I n the middle of a ferocious fire fight outside of Baghdad, US soldiers discover a mysterious body. It’s not human and it’s only the first of many to appear all over the Earth. As the creatures begin to communicate, it’s clear that they mean to force our hand about the futility of war. Humanity’s… Continue reading THE AWAKENING
When the Earth is ravaged by a strange disease that causes random bodily mutations, the victims are cast into space and abandoned to their own fate. Now, many years later, the discarded are asked to save the planet that rejected them. Jonathan Frakes (Star Trek : First Contact) presents us with a bittersweet tale of… Continue reading THE DISCARDED
Masters of science-fiction
Masters of Science Fiction is a six part anthology TV-series based on short stories by some of sci-fi’s top writers such as Harlan Ellison and Robert A. Heinlein. Acclaimed physicist professor Stephen Hawkins introduces each episode. With a stellar line-up of actors and directors, including thespians Judy Davis, Sam Waterston, Anne Heche, Malcolm McDowell, Terry… Continue reading Masters of science-fiction