Section: Show
5th Rafting on Human sea
6th Rafting on Human sea
7th Rafting on Human sea
8th Rafting on Human sea
9th Rafting on Human sea
10th Rafting on Human sea
11th Rafting on Human sea
12th Rafting on Human sea
501st Star Wars Show
As part of this year’s partnership between the BIFFF and the Star Wars Identities exhibition, which ends its European tour at Palace 2 of the Heysel from April 2nd, the BIFFF invites the Dark Side of the Force. The 501st FanWars Garrison is part of the 501st Legion, a worldwide non-profit organization whose activity is… Continue reading 501st Star Wars Show
13th Rafting on Human sea
RAFTING :Magic Land – RaftingThe rafting-race on a sea of people is back at the BIFFF. This hilarious and exciting madness is a perfect illustration of the decade-long complicity between this film festival and this extraordinary theater company. No other film festival would have the audacity to program a race of inflatable canoes over the… Continue reading 13th Rafting on Human sea