1st VR Experience

Captain’s Log, Stardate 42017.8. After eradicating the Cicosaurus threat with Commander Shepard and after our trade stop at Coruscant, we head towards the Arm of Orion to reach Earth. Once arrived, our mission will be to infiltrate the bowels of the Center for Fine Arts during the third edition of the Gaming Madness Days to… Continue reading 1st VR Experience

1st VR Screening Room

Horror in 2D is out; soon shuddering in 3D will be the new normal. Technology is evolving at supersonic speed and full immersion remains the Holy Grail of genre moviemaking! That’s why the BIFFF is opening its first Virtual Reality Screening Room, with nine Gears and a line-up of fifteen international titles, including the first… Continue reading 1st VR Screening Room

2nd VR Screening Room

Technology is becoming ever more surprising. Now we can enter fantastic worlds without having to go very far. Total immersion remains the Holy Grail for genre films. That’s why Virtual Reality is once more present at the BIFFF. It’s your chance to get to know fifteen or so international genre titles: horror, mystery, thriller, science… Continue reading 2nd VR Screening Room

3rd VR Screening Room

BIFFF VR Experience – 3rd Edition PreviousNext BIFFF VR Experience 3rd edition Basic infos: Schedule: from 2 → 11 PM Days: from 8 → 18 April Location: BOZAR Free access The VR competition is back! With two types of VR movies: Linear and Interactive An award will be presented by a jury composed of VR professionals. The… Continue reading 3rd VR Screening Room

VR Screening by Reality +

Take part in 3 unique and completely free experiences on September 1st. Three VR movies that take you to the depths of your soul in the dead of a full moon night. Get into the skin of a werewolf thanks to Reality+, only to transform a couple days later into the dandiest vampire of the… Continue reading VR Screening by Reality +

VR Gaming by Futurist Games

On 9 and 10 September, we will be offering you an immersion into the world of virtual reality gaming! Thanks to Futurist Games, you can dive into the world of fantasy and come to confront or collaborate with other BIFFFers! On that note: good luck in staying alive until the end! Futurist Games, located within… Continue reading VR Gaming by Futurist Games