Yes we know, super heroes are everywhere for the moment. Not one month without a big release by Marvel or DC. But who’s to blame? They give us security, keep the world in balance, make sure there is enough cheese on the nachos and runs towards you to save you from the most uncomfortable situations. But sometimes the dangers are so great that a single super hero is no longer enough. How will they compete against bad guys with satanic grins and ridiculous names like Sea Motherfucker, Orgasmic Octopus, Menstru Girl, Shistorm, Cheese Guevara, VHS Man and many others. It’s like your adolescent fanfiction came to life in one movie!

Movies that go over the top and contain a ton of B and Z film references always have had a special place in our program. Because let’s be honest. What’s worse? Your favorite superheroes getting mangled by Disney, which next to Marvel also has “super productions” such as Violetta and the Little Princess Sofia, or handing over the superhero culture to two lunatics called Jens Holzheuer and Oliver Tietgen? In this ABC you’ll meet a fighting super Jésus, a sick (wasn’t he always?) Hitler and many other crazy characters with the voluntary (or forced) participation of Bai Ling (The Crow), Jörg Buttgereit (German Angst), Lloyd Kayfman (The Toxic Avenger) and Uwe Boll (The Postal). Elastic underwear is strongly recommended during this projection!

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